Undertaking New Ideas for the New Year

  • Get Unplugged-do not watch any TV, check any emails, or cell phone. Play board games or enjoy the outdoors

  • Eat one or more portions of veggies each day

  • Exercise-indoor dance party to your favorite music or just a walk after dinner

  • Read-take a trip to the library and read a book or check it out to read at home-look for books that are recommended for your little one’s age

  • Do Chores-try keeping a chore jar with slips of paper with a chore for kids to pick for that week

  • Be good to others-Keep in mind that kids learn how to be kind by watching their parents’ actions. Try to compliment your partner or someone at home and be compassionate during disagreements

  • Get more sleep-have a bedtime routine checklist. Look for more ideas https://www.familyeducation.com/printables/parenting-tools-printables/my-bedtime-routine-checklist

  • Live Green-Recycle-look for more ideas https://www.familyeducation.com/search/Crafts+Projects+Using+Natural%2C+Recycled%2C+%26+Found+Objects

  • Have some free time-book a babysitter or helpful relative and do something you can enjoy and can give you a boost of energy to come back and be more motivated