Early introduction to gardening with young children
/Gardening will help children in their motor, cognitive, and language development. Children will learn to use a small trowel, rake, and hose. They can also explore the texture through the soil. You will help them think through the process of preparing the soil, planting, watering, and weeding. Literacy skills can be another part of gardening. You can ask questions about what you have already done in your garden and what they think you should do next. You can make a map of the area and label what you are planting. Show them the entire plant-roots, stem, leaves, flowers, and seeds. Both you and your children will have opportunities to bond and learn from each other.
Prepare the soil. Give them a little rake and a job clearing the rocks out of a small part of your garden
Plant strawberries. These plants are kid’s favorite because they can see the little strawberry and do not need much attention
Bury some potatoes
Sprout a chickpea