Tips For Back To School
/Time To Re-train Your Child’s Brain
Re-set sleep patterns. Wean your child off going to bed late and sleeping late. Start this process sooner than later and help maintain it all year. Good Luck on this one. Be Bold. Be Consistent.
Re-set eating habits. The routines of breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, and after-school snack prior to homework need to happen.
Get everyone to bed on time. Help your kids get back on track sleep wise by having them go to bed earlier and wake up earlier at least a week in advance of when school actually starts.
Make healthy meals. Fix nutritious meals at home.
Get a check-up. It is a good idea to take your child in for a physical and an eye exam before school starts. Keep a copy of any medical records.
Plan to Read with your child everyday. Make a plan to read with your child for 20 minutes every day. Your example reinforces the importance of literacy, and reading lets you and your child explore new worlds of fun and adventure.